Il report di classe FitBack: quando, dove, e come usarlo?

Il primo passo per il successo di un programma di allenamento è la definizione di obiettivi adeguati. Questo video ha lo scopo di migliorare la comprensione da parte degli insegnanti di educazione fisica del report di classe FitBack, della sua struttura, delle varie sezioni del report e della sua applicazione pratica. Il report  di classe offre preziose informazioni sullo stato di fitness degli studenti e della classe, e rappresenta una risorsa preziosa per gli insegnanti per pianificare, sviluppare e implementare il curriculum di classe.

Be mindful that you play a crucial role in the effective interpretation of the data within the report. It's advisable to discuss the findings with your class, both in broad terms and with individual students specifically, particularly those who may have inquiries about certain test scores or require further engagement to cultivate better connections in enhancing their own physical literacy.

How to produce a class report?

  1. From Fitness report menu select Make group report (or go to/en-us/fitness-report/make-group-report)
  2. Download Excel data template and enter the data for all students in a class. Save and close the file.
  3. In 2. Upload Excel data file section click Browse to select the data file and then click Upload new Excel file button.
  4. A new section 3. Download class report opens. 
  5. In Use this period for setting fitness scores’ targets set one of preset target periods (3 months is the default) or set custom period in weeks or months.
  6. Click Download report button. Wait for about 10 seconds for report to generate. Once generated, report will be automatically downloaded to Download folder on your device.
References / Further reading
  1. Kern, B. D., Imagbe, S., Bellar, D., & Clemons, J. (2020). Health-Related Fitness Content Knowledge, Physical Activity, and Instructional Practices Among U.S. Physical Educators. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 91(1), 92–101. DOI: 10.1080/02701367.2019.1648744

  2. Ortega, F. B., Ruiz, J. R., Castillo, M. J., & Sjöström, M. (2008). Physical fitness in childhood and adolescence: a powerful marker of health. International Journal of Obesity (London), 32(1), 1–11. DOI: 10.1038/sj.ijo.0803774

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