À propos des test
Des instructions détaillées concernant les mesures de la condition physique sont disponibles dans un manuel de test en ligne.
La connaissance des mesures détaillées est essentielle pour obtenir des résultats valides.
N'oubliez pas d'encourager les élèves et de leur donner confiance, en promouvant un climat positif et de sécurité, afin de diminuer l'anxiété des élèves pendant le test de condition physique et de leur permettre d'avoir du plaisir pendant les sessions de tests.
Here's the excerpt from original test manual:
- The recommended sequence to administer this battery would be: 1. Weight and height (BMI), 2. Waist circumference, 3. Handgrip and Standing long jump, 4. (last!) 20m shuttle run test.
- Instructions for the participants: Child must be instructed to abstain from strenuous exercise in the 48 h preceding the testing. To wear comfortable sport clothes and shoes is vital. A notable and constant level of encouragement is recommended to guarantee the maximum performance from the participants throughout the tests.
- Pre‐testing health screening: A pre‐testing screening should identify young people at high risk, and should be similar to the one typically used to allow the children and adolescents to take active part in the PE lessons. (see test manual for details).
- Safety: A comfortable chamber is highly recommended for the body composition measurements, where only test taker and tester should be present. A non‐slippery surface is necessary for the Standing long jump and a space of at least 25 m length is required the 20m shuttle run test. Immediately after the body composition measurements and before continuing with the rest of the tests (handgrip strength, standing long jump, and 20m shuttle run), it is necessary to carry out a 5‐10 minutes warm up composed of jogging and stretching exercises.