Koosta interaktiivne raport

FitBack’i raport on internetipõhine andmete sisestamisvorm, andes tagasisidet 6-19 aastaste laste ja noorte kehalisele võimekusele, terviseriskide hinnangut ning mõõtmistulemuste vastavust Euroopa mõõtmistulemustega.

Loe juhiseid raporti loomiseks ja selle erinevate osade analüüsimiseks.

Kas soovid algselt kirjutada oma tulemused paberile ning hiljem sisestada siinolevasse veebikeskkonda?

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1. Personaalne info

Sinu testi tulemusi ei säilitata ning tulemusi ei ole võimalik taastada, kui sa lahkud või värskendad seda lehekülge.


By utilizing the FitBack Chatbot Prompt Builder (beta), I acknowledge and agree to the following terms:

1. Eligibility: I confirm that I am of legal age to access and use this Builder and any associated chatbots, as determined by the laws of my country, school policies, and the specific Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of the chatbot. Typically, this age requirement is 13 years or older.
2. Data Storage: I understand that the selections I make within the Builder will be stored in my browser's cookies on my device for a period of 7 days.
3. Privacy Disclosure: I acknowledge that prompts generated by the Builder may contain personal information such as age, gender, and test scores, which may, in some instances, be shared with the developers of the chatbot or other parties.
4. Quality Disclaimer: I recognize that the advice provided by prompts generated through this Builder may vary in quality. Therefore, before acting on any recommendations (e.g., following an exercise plan), I will consult with relevant experts in the field (e.g., physical education teacher, coach) and, if applicable, with my parent or guardian if I am a minor using the Builder outside of school.
5. Intellectual Property: I understand that the prompts generated by the Builder are the intellectual property of the FitBack network and are protected under a CC BY license.

I agree

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