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Estonian version of FitBack platform supports new PE curricula

Estonian version of FitBack platform supports new PE curricula


Physical education (PE) has been a compulsory subject in Estonian general education already for more than 100 years. However, approximately 10 years ago, the reform was called into action to change the aims of PE curricula in school as more competence based. The purpose of the reform in PE curricula was to increase its quality for better support of the development of a pupils´ healthy and active lifestyle, while being previously more or less sports-centred and achievement oriented.

Physical education (PE) has been a compulsory subject in Estonian general education already for more than 100 years. However, approximately 10 years ago, the reform was called into action to change the aims of PE curricula in school as more competence based. The purpose of the reform in PE curricula was to increase its quality for better support of the development of a pupils´ healthy and active lifestyle, while being previously more or less sports-centred and achievement oriented. This was also indicated by students' feedback where almost 60% of them reported that PE did not motivate them to be more active in their free time. The new PE curriculum was accepted by the Estonian government in 23.02.2023.

A new, skills-, motivation, and outcome-based curricula was composed which highlighted five areas for developing lifelong physical activity: 1) fundamental movement skills, 2) health and fitness, 3) physical activity, 4) movement and culture, 5) body and mind. This of course needed the creation of many new materials and workshops for the teachers to prepare themselves for the change. The second subcategory - "Health and fitness" aims to educate students for understanding the fitness, knowledge of how to perform some basic tests and how these results are associated with their health and with activities to develop different fitness components. These outcomes target similar competencies that are in the FitBack project and being part of the project was a good opportunity to develop material for Estonian PE teachers. While being closely in cooperation with the ministries of Education and Science, Ministry of Culture, and Ministry of Social Affairs and having their feedback on the content and tools provided by FitBack for fitness monitoring, health related feedback and comparison with European countries, it was decided to work further towards the national fitness monitoring system, which will be based on the measurements done in the schools by PE teachers. Therefore, it was decided that translating the FitBack page into Estonian will help PE teachers to use the resource more effectively, help them to prepare their individual strategies to fulfil the aims of the new PE curricula in the field of fitness and health, and prepare the ground for national monitoring system. The Estonian version was launched in spring 2023 and was also introduced during several workshops to Estonian PE teachers as a tool that could be effectively used in the new curricula and in the view of having longitudinal data on the fitness measures of the students.


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