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Basque Country Pilots A New Fitness Surveillance System

Basque Country Pilots A New Fitness Surveillance System


Explore how the Basque Country created a new fitness surveillance system for their children and adolescents.

The Active Healthy Kids Basque Country 2021 report card evidenced a great lack of information about physical activity in childhood and adolescence. The Basque Ministers of Health, Education and Culture were informed about this issue, and as a result, a pilot test (final report) of a fitness surveillance system (Eusfit Mugiment) was carried out. After that pilot test, the Basque Government is going to create and launch the Eusfit Mugiment system in the next school year.

Congratulations Basque Country for this exciting programme development to keep kids moving!  The logo featured on this story represents their new fitness surveillance system.  If you are interested to read more about the Active Healthy Kids international movement, part of the Global Matrix Initiative, please visit their home website HERE.

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