Overcoming difficulties in physical activity monitoring
By focusing on physical fitness, a metric that is more closely linked with health indicators than physical activity and measured more reliably, this project addresses the need identified by the European Commission to overcome difficulties in physical activity monitoring. In accordance with European HEPA policies’ recommendations, it also extends and deepens the cooperation at transnational EU level, shares information, and exchanges best-practices of physical fitness monitoring systems developed across Europe.
Establishing a single, multilingual online platform
The main purpose of this project is to support the establishment of physical fitness surveillance programs by a single, multilingual online platform, FitBack, which provides feedback on specific, individual physical fitness outcomes from the Alpha fit test battery. Fitback contains key information for others to establish their own national, regional or local system for monitoring physical fitness in children and adolescents. The Fitback platform was developed, tested and evaluated within 30-months' time by a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Sport Collaborative Partnership scheme of the European Union (project reference: 613010-EPP-1-2019-1-SI-SPO-SCP).
By creating such a platform, we aim to bridge gaps between European political recommendations and the current state of affairs locally, as well as strengthen cooperation between sectors (education, health, sport) to provide data-driven policy decisions on physical education and related physical fitness priorities.
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